The BBA in Aviation is an undergraduate program designed to take three years, in which students can be equipped with essential management skills that are more or less industry-specific to the aviation industry. It covers aspects like passenger forecasting, airport planning, security protocols, and fire safety. Fees for this course vary widely across institutions, often between INR 1 lakh to 4 lakhs for the entire course. This variation is influenced by factors like the institution's infrastructure, location, and the quality of training facilities offered. AME CET.IN Besides tuition fees, there would be additional expenses such as entry fees, library fees, charges for uniforms and caution deposits among others.
Accommodation within the hostels would cost about INR 25,000 to 40,000 in a semester and would cover hostel meals, access to medical care, Wi-Fi, and bedding. It is prudent for students who would like to join the institutions to study them well in terms of fee structure and amenities offered to ensure that they fit into their financial plans and educational expectations.