Depending on the functions performed by AI, AI is categorized into three types: Narrow AI (Weak AI), General AI (Strong AI), and Super AI. As specialists for certain functions, Narrow AI includes virtual assistants, recommendation systems, and self-driving cars. Still an idea, General AI would enable a machine to understand, learn, and apply knowledge like a human. Super AI, an advanced stage of AI, would exceed human intelligence in all aspects including reasoning, creativity and problem solving.
AI has also been classified into four categories based on their features, for instance: Self-Aware AI, Theory of Mind AI, Limited Memory AI, and Reactive Machines. Reactive Machines do not have memory, therefore they do not store or recall past experiences. Limited Memory AI are self-driving cars that do remember past events. Theory of Mind AI would have a general idea of human emotions. The furthest stage in AI development is Self-Aware AI that would have self-consciousness and independent thought. The current attention from AI developers is focused on Narrow AI and improving machine learning capabilities.