It's a four-year undergraduate program focusing on in-depth knowledge of health care, patient care, and medical sciences. Anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and pathology form a firm foundation in the field of human biology. Teaching pharmacology entails the mechanisms behind drugs, medical-surgical nursing includes disease management and treatment. Obstetrics and gynecological nursing deals with maternal and neonatal care and pediatric nursing takes care of the health of the child. Psychiatric nursing teaches about mental illness and its therapeutic treatments.
It covers community health nursing, which involves preventive healthcare and public health measures. Nutrition and dietetics help the students to eat healthy, which prevents disease. Nursing research provides scientific means of improving care to patients. Ethics and professional conduct provide guidelines to the nurses in terms of legal and moral responsibility. The hands-on training comes through clinical rotations in hospitals. Overall, BSc Nursing prepares students for a professional nursing career with essential medical knowledge, critical thinking, and compassionate patient care skills.